Saturday, February 9, 2013

News from my Local Paper

The Herald, while not actually my local paper, is a the news paper that covers the Everett and Snohomish County area (one of my primary work locations.)  Thursday's Feb 7th, 2013 had a collection of some very best and interesting articles that I've seen in a single day's collection in quite some time:

1. Postal Service to end Saturday mail delivery in August - NO!!!!!  As we all know how much I love the mail system! (#2)
    a. Along with it's first corollary that Ending Saturday mail affects ballot returns in state.
    b. At least someone stands to benefit, as Saturday mail cut is good news for Netflix

2. Changes to one of Atlantic City's most beloved game pieces: with the recent FB poll for the game of Monopoly.  Here's a hint =>   >^..^<

3. Big Win for those who love the outdoors and work towards local and national land conservation efforts! Welcome Sally Jewell to the Department of the Interior.

Note: I'm still, and most likely will always, be confused over how the National Parks (DOI), National Forests (DOAg), Fish and Wildlife Services (DOI), National Wilderness (DOI), and Bureau of Land Management (DOI) all work and play together.

4. A quick recap in the Herald from a piece in The Bellingham Herald that supports 1st amendment rights as Gun sign alarms some.  

5. Practice your coin tossing skills, as it could make the difference in a City Council selection.

6. Home plan designs from the AP for a "Net-Zero Energy Consumption" home.

7. Even Ziggy has a commentary on the American healthcare system:

Thanks for reading,

Dr. Alex

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