I've been a long time listener to The 100 Word Stories Podcast and this week I decided to write my first story!
The topic of this weeks’ story: “Smartypants”
By Dr. Alex
My three year old and I have an agreement of reading two books per night before bed, and this has never been broken.
After this evening’s tantrum over wanting to eat from the trapezoid plate, I was sure she had chosen her “crabby pants” PJs. No, they were this week’s usual Peppa Pig outfit.
An hour later, we finished “The Five Little Firemen,” without so much as a whisper. She scanned her bookshelf and chuckled while reaching for her second book: “Richard Scarry’s Best Storybook Ever - 82 Wonderful Stories.”
Clearly, she had chosen her “smarty pants” to sleep in.
Hear me start my story around minute 2:30: https://oneadayuntilthedayidie.com/?p=33531
Thanks for reading!
Love it- thanks!