Saturday, February 10, 2018

If only I had...

Weekly Challenge for Feb 11th 2018 with the topic of “If only I had…
by Dr. Alex

“I’m getting the band back together!” was my usual rally cry for the for the past month.

“Yes, yes, I know” was Seth’s usual reply.

Reviewing this week’s progress with Seth, “We have Alice set on maracas.  Justin likes his high hat.  Rachel on xylophone. Now, if only I had a kazoo player.”

“Seth! Really!? I didn’t know you knew how to play this whole time!”

Three weeks later, we were booked for a Thursday evening performance at the Tropicana. 

Clearly, this had been some sort of a scheduling error, or a perhaps cruel joke by the departing events manager.

Follow my posts at MedicineManOfSeattle.BlogSpot.Com.
This has been a Stinky Pants Productions with original music by Dr. Alex

Thanks for reading and listening!

Dr. Alex

Friday, February 2, 2018

Why not?

This week's submission for The 100 Word Stories Podcast:

Around the bend came the first set of headlights I’d seen since starting this late night hours journey. 
The unknown Packard slowed beside me.  Yelling out, he called: “Hey, Buddy, need a lift?”

My socks - no dryer than a used kitchen sponge and the blisters about to pop before completing my walk ahead.  “Sure,” I said, “why not?

Then did I notice poking my right hip a bulge in the map holder. “What’s this?” I asked.

“Oh, that pistol it’s just in case I run into trouble.”

I wonder what sort of trouble we were now looking to find.

Thanks for reading and listening (11:20)!

Dr. Alex